Department Of Civil Engineering
The Department aims at improving the civic life of man by harmonizing the natural resources available on earth. Civil engineering deals with the construction, soil mechanics, transportation, hydraulics, surveying, mapping and sanitary. While a construction engineer deals with the design and supervision of construction of bridges, buildings, tunnels and dams.
Engineers specialized in soil mechanic are vital and relevant for conquest of areas ranging from Antarctica to the moon. Transportation engineering deals with the planning, design and construction of roads, streets and thorough fares. Broadly a civil engineer is expected to do planning, research, design and construction of buildings and roads; traffic and transportation, irrigation and power, water supply and sewage disposal, dams and reservoirs, ports and harbours, airways and navigation, treatment for industrial wastes.
Department Laboratories
- AutoCAD lab
- Surveying-Practice
- Fluid Machinery Lab
- Environmental engineering lab
Career Opportunities
- Building complicated structures, bridges, roads
- Geo-Technical Engineering
- Irrigation or Environmental Engineering
- Transportation, Traffic and Surveying
- Water Resources