
General Guidelines for Students

  Having taken admission to the institution, the students should strictly follow the guidelines mentioned below:

  • The students should attend classes from the first day of commencement of the semester and should be regular & punctual to the classes throughout the semester and course.
  • It is compulsory for a student to have minimum of 75% attendance in each subject in the semester to be eligible to appear the final examination.
  • No student should remain absent for a long period without intimation, if he/she does so, will not be permitted to take final examination.
  • The students should wear prescribed uniform along with their respective Identity cards in the campus compulsorily.
  • The students should maintain high degree of discipline in the campus. Misbehaving, creating nuisance and indulging in indiscipline activities/ ragging in the campus will not be entertained.
  • As IA marks plays an important role in final results, students should compulsorily attend every test and take it seriously, to score good marks.
  • To know the happenings in their respective departments, the students should cultivate the habit of looking at the department notice boards regularly.
  • The students should take utmost care while handling the equipments/machineries in the laboratories/workshops.
  • Students should not cause any damage to the property of the institution, if found so, he/she is liable to pay the estimated cost of the damage.
  • Carrying mobile phones to the college is strictly prohibited. If any student found possessing mobile in the college, it will be seized and will not be returned till the end of the semester.
  • Students should abide by the rules and regulations of college and management. And in case of any indiscipline observed, the decision/action taken by management or college authority is final.