Sri T.M. Chandrashekharaiah Secretary, T.M.A.E, Society
Shri T.M.Chandrashekharaiah is a DREAMER, THINKER AND A MAN OF ACTION has not lost in the past but always thinking of the future, living an integrated life, bringing into existence and giving shape to dreams not for himself but for the society.
The Administrative Bureau, the nerve center of T.M.A.E's educational institutions is located in the premises of Matth. The governing body constituting of nine members, run the society under the president ship of Sri Swamiji. The Society has an able administrator Sri T.M. Chandrashekhariah, M.A. who is the Secretary of T.M.A.E Society under his staeavard ship the society has made a name for itself. He deserves special appreciation for his administrative capabilities. He is the backbone of the T.M.A.E.'S administrations who equally shoulders the yoke of responsibilities with Mahaswamiji in the smooth running of the affairs of society.
Shri T.M.Chandrashekharaiah credits all his associates for his achievements. That sums up his humanity, an inborn trait. His journey resumes after each accomplishment. He proceeds towards new destinations. He adopts new means for the new challenges that surface. Fresh set of struggles clinch new meanings and new results. This cycle continues. It also fulfills the need for the social documentation.
Apart from an able administrator, he is a great builder of the institution. Institutions are built by those who are committed to the cause of society in field of education. Shri T.M. Chandrashekharaiah is no exception in this respect. He has been working with devotion and distinction for the all-round development of the T.M.A.E. society for the past three decades. As a result, his dream of building the T.M.A.E. institution as one of the best in the state has become a reality. Today every educational institution has beautiful buildings with modern infrastructure be it medical, technical or professional.